Image of the city of Thurgau History Museum in Frauenfeld Castle

Thurgau History Museum in Frauenfeld Castle

Nicolas Meienberger
Nicolas MeienbergerPublié le 12 Août 2020

The exhibit of the Thurgau History Museum in Frauenfeld Castle describes the eventful 15th century when the borders of today’s Canton Thurgau were formed. An insightful multimedia walk transports you into the fascinating world of knights, monasteries and provincial governors.

The exhibit of the Thurgau History Museum in Frauenfeld Castle illustrates the time after 1415 that was so important for the region. It offers both children and adults an insightful and playful gateway to the Middle Ages. The modern arrangements, interactive animation and the artwork shining in new splendour are the highlights of the multimedia castle tour.

The expressive presentation of the rooms offers the visitors a close look at how the people experienced the turbulent transition to the government of the Swiss confederacy, a time fraught with conflict, when modern boundaries were drawn.

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