Image of the city of Geneva Ethnography Museum

Geneva Ethnography Museum - Geneva

Nicolas Meienberger
Nicolas MeienbergerPublié le 12 Août 2020

The ethnographic museum of the city of Geneva was founded in 1901 and today comprises one of the largest ethnographic collections in Switzerland. Since two years the collection is at home in the original new construction of the Zurich architects Marco Graber and Thomas Pulver - adding to even greater pleasure on visiting the 80,000 objects and 300,000 documents.

Until two years ago Geneva’s ethnographic museum (MEG) threatened to burst at the seams. Then, in 2014, the more than 80,000 museum exhibits found their rightful space - in the new building by the Zurich architects Marco Graber and Thomas Pulver. And it’s hard to oversee this bright building with bevelled façade, reminiscent of an Asian longhouse on the Carl Vogt Boulevard.

Inside you view a bright, enlightening and expansive cosmos in which the treasures of MEG are set out to their best advantage. The permanent exhibition entitled "The archives of human differences" clearly depicts how the different cultures have evolved and drawn apart over time.

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