Image of the city of Areuse Gorge

Areuse Gorge - Neuchâtel

Nicolas Meienberger
Nicolas MeienbergerPublié le 12 Août 2020

Discover Areuse Gorge. It is a study in contrasts: sometimes wide open, sometimes narrow, with burbling waters and spaces of deep silence.

The otherwise quite tame Areuse becomes a roaring torrent when it enters the 11-kilometre long Areuse Gorge between Noiraigue and Boudry in the canton of Neuchâtel. A beautiful trail follows the path of the river, allowing you to view the transformation from babbling brook to thundering river and back again. You cross stone bridges, catwalks and stairways, passing through rocky narrows and impressively steep rock walls. Make sure to visit the Saut de Brot stone bridge. You will feel as though you have stepped straight into a fairy tale. In Champ-du-Moulin you can satisfy your hunger at the Hôtel de la Truite restaurant. The house speciality is fresh trout which they raise themselves. If you would rather pack your own lunch, there are many lovely picnicking places throughout the gorge.

Getting there: By public transport or car to Noiraigue or Boudry.

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